Do I Need a 20x25x1 Air Filter for My Furnace?

Are you wondering if you need a 20x25x1 air filter for your furnace? It's important to understand the size of air filters to ensure your home or office has the right filter. Your HVAC professional can install a small cabinet next to the boiler or air handler.

Do I Need a 20x25x1 Air Filter for My Furnace?

Are you wondering if you need a 20x25x1 air filter for your furnace? It's important to understand the size of air filters to ensure your home or office has the right filter. Your HVAC professional can install a small cabinet next to the boiler or air handler to place the thicker filter. The easiest way to determine the size you need is to remove the current air filter from your HVAC system. When HVAC filters become dirty and clogged with dirt, air can't flow freely through the ducts, making your home less comfortable and eventually damaging your HVAC equipment.

If the filter is too small, dirt particles, such as dust, mold and other contaminants in the air, could slip through the gaps. Thicker air filters also have a longer lifespan, as they have a larger surface area to trap and remove contaminants from the air. Most online air filter retailers have a custom air filter page, and there you'll find a choice of custom sizes. The width of an air filter is usually the longest side, and while the height is usually the shortest side, the long size comes second.

Air handlers are usually installed near the HVAC system, and in some homes, air handlers are installed in ductwork. We also measure the extent to which each filter restricts airflow using a differential pressure transducer installed in the air filter. This is called “real dimensions”. Knowing how air filter sizes work is essential if you want to get the right size for your home or office. If you're looking for an air filter for your furnace, it's important to know what size you need. The most common size for furnaces is 20x25x1. This size is designed to fit most standard furnaces and will provide adequate filtration for your home or office.

It's important to note that this size may not be suitable for all furnaces, so it's best to check with your HVAC professional before purchasing an air filter. When choosing an air filter for your furnace, it's important to consider both efficiency and cost. Higher efficiency filters will cost more but will last longer and provide better filtration. Lower efficiency filters may be cheaper but won't last as long or provide as much filtration. It's important to find a balance between cost and efficiency when selecting an air filter. In conclusion, if you're looking for an air filter for your furnace, it's important to know what size you need.

It's important to consider both efficiency and cost when selecting an air filter.

Janice Stinehour
Janice Stinehour

Amateur social mediaholic. General music guru. Devoted internetaholic. Award-winning pop culture ninja. Pizza enthusiast.

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